Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 7, 2014 - April 11, 2014 Agenda for English 10B

Monday, April 7th:
Read Catcher in the Rye; pages 44 - 50
"Tracing the Motif": The red hunting hat; page 45
Context, notes, discussion

Tuesday, April 8th:
Testing today
Make-up day for the few students today

Wednesday, April 9th:
Pair up students; pass out six sections from the fight scene between Holden and Stradlater; students read and act out the scenes
Class discussion:
Why is Holden angry?
What role does Stradlater play in Holden's anger?
How does Holden express his anger? Were his actions the best way to express his anger?
What other strategies could he have employed to express his hurt, fear and anger to Stradlater?
What is Stradlater's reaction after he hits Holden?

Thursday, April 10th:
Read Catcher in the Rye; pages 50 - 57
"Tracing the Motif": The red hunting hat; the ducks

Pass out and go over the "MLA Work Cited Page" handout
The final draft and the work cited page will be due on Tuesday, April 22nd.
Everyone is strongly encouraged to turn in their rough drafts and their note cards!
You cannot pass this class without turning in the research paper.

Friday, April 11th:
Shortened day. All classes are 35 minutes long.
Read Catcher in the Rye; pages 57 - 63
"Tracing the Motif": The red hunting hat; the ducks
Chart: When does Holden's behavior differ from what he thinks or feels?
Why does his behavior differ from his thoughts?
Holden and Mrs. Morrow
Holden's encounter with the cabbie
Holden's judgment about the 65 year old bell boy.

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