Sunday, January 19, 2014

Spring Syllabus for 10th Grade English

January 20, 2014

Welcome to 10 B English!  I hope this semester is fun, enjoyable, challenging, thought provoking and educational for you. We will be concentrating on study skills, time management, self discipline, reading comprehension, vocabulary, writing skills and grammar. To achieve academic success, we will write literary, persuasive and expository essays, and a research paper.  We will use the following books this semester:

HOLT HANDBOOK (Fourth Course) for Grammar
NIGHT by Eli Wiesel

You are expected to keep a notebook for this class. A separate three ring binder would be nice - one that you can put papers into. Everything that is given to you should go into your binder: handouts, homework, classwork, tests, essays - in short, everything you will do or have done in this class should go into your binder. This acts as protection for you. If your grade was not recorded - or was recorded but there was a problem with Engrade and was not posted, then, if you have kept your work, you have proof that you did it. If you threw the work away - there is no proof you did it. So be sure to keep your work.

When we finish reading Eli Wiesel's NIGHT, we will spend approximately two weeks  in the library  researching and writing a five to seven page research paper on a topic that is related to the book.

We will then embark on reading MacBeth, which will entail close reading, reading logs, essays, and group activities, such as rewriting scenes from MacBeth into contemporary English, and performing scenes from the play.

We will do a brief foray into expository essays, reading and analyzing literature by such writers as Nikki Giovanni, Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X, and we will work out of PERSPECTIVES in MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE to hone our skills in essay writing.

Finally, if there is time, we will finish out the semester with THE BLUEST EYE by Toni Morrisson.

This will be a very full and important semester for you because you will take the CAHSEE this year; it is a requirement that every student take and pass this test in order to receive a diploma. We will be working hard to ensure that you learn the required English skills in reading comprehension and writing so that you can pass the test and receive your diploma.

It is also important you pay attention, take class notes, turn in the homework in a timely fashion, and complete the research paper and essays.  The class notes and homework will be collected and graded.
Failure to do the assignments, including the class notes and homework, may result in a low grade or even failing the course. The grading scale is as follows:

Classwork: 30%
Homework:  10%
Essays: 30%
Research Paper: 30%

90% - 100% = A
80% -   89% = B
70% -   79% = C
60% -    69%= D
Below 60%  = Fail

If you are not happy with your grade on any assignment, such as your essay, homework or classwork, you may rewrite it, then staple it to the original and turn it in for a higher grade. For example, if you received a "C/C" on an essay, after you rewrite the essay, the grade will be raised to a "B/B".

It is imperative that you pay attention in class and take notes (your notes will be graded).You should also check the weekly blog for this class on; go to the home page; click on the drop down box for teachers; click on blogs, Bridges, and 10th Grade English. You may also check your grade on, but you must first open a student account, which is free.

Your education is your responsibility. It is your responsibility to check the blog and Engrade at least once a week to keep track of your grades and assignments. After the daily handouts are passed out in class, the remainder will  be placed in the basket on top of the bookcase. If you are absent, it is your responsibility, upon your return to class, to check the blog and the basket for work you missed during your absence.  If work is due during your absence, it will be due on the day you return to class; if work is assigned during your absence you will be expected to turn in the assignment the day after you return. CLAIMING NOT TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN CLASS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AS AN EXCUSE.

Finally, let's make this class a secure environment where everyone feels safe, valued and respected, a place where we can do our best learning and our most creative work.

I am looking forward to a productive, creative, and educational semester with you.


I have read this and understand what are required and expected in this class:

Parent or Guardian:
I have read this with the student and understand what are required and expected in this class:

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