Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Class Notes for November 6th; Essay on "I've Been to the Mountaintop"

In the beginning paragraph of your essay, please include the title of Martin Luther King’s speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”. You must also include the thesis of his speech and your thesis on his speech.

The theme is that Martin Luther King has seen the many advances that African Americans have made in his lifetime, and that although he feels he may die soon, he still expects more achievements and advances to be continued by his people after his death.

Here is the argument: Are we in the Promised Land or are we still on the mountaintop? Have we continued to make advances into the Promised Land or are we still on the mountaintop? 

What would Martin Luther King say if he were to come back and see the African American community of 2013? Would he be pleased with the achievements and advances of his people or would he be disappointed?

You may use information from page 48, William Clinton’s speech, “Remarks to the Convocation of the Church of Christ in God” to support your thesis.
Or you may go to sources such as to get pertinent statistics and data.

Here are examples of data you might want to consider; for example:
The Justice Department has released statistics that one out of every four African-American males is involved in the justice system, either as a convict, ex-convict, a parolee or on probation.

Look up statistics for the following:
The number of Black youth who are involved in gangs and drugs.
The effect of rap music in the creation of a culture of violence and misogyny.
Misogyny: the hatred of women.

You may, however, believe that the African-American community has made enormous strides:
More blacks are graduating from high school and college than ever before.
More blacks are entering the professions than ever before.
We have elected in 2008 and again, in 2012, our first African-American president.
(Be sure to find statistics from credible sources to back up these claims. Wikipedia does not count as a credible source.)

Counter Claim:
You must include a counter claim in your essay.
The counter claim is the opposing view of your argument. You must recognize the opposing view and show how and why it is wrong.
For example:
While though it is true one out of every four black young men is involved in the judicial system, it also means that three out of four young men are not. Many of these young men are in college, in the military or in the work force.

In the first body paragraph, you must include a mini-thesis statement, which will let the reader know what the paragraph is going to be about.

You must develop the thesis. In your own words please explain, discuss, elaborate what the thesis is.

You may either agree or disagree or partially agree with Martin Luther King's faith that we have traveled into the Promised Land. 

You must include quotations, statistics or evidence to support your thesis.
Then show why and how the evidence supports your opinion.

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