Friday, September 6, 2013

September 9, 2013 - September 13, 2013 10th Grade English

Monday, September 9th:
Please bring your Cornell Notes and your rough draft for “The Bet” on Monday.
We will do peer editing on Monday. Then you will take your rough draft home to write the final draft.
The final draft will be due on Tuesday.

Peer Editing:

Break into groups of four:
Pass your rough draft to the left

First Pass:
Check for:
Correct Heading: Should have Title, Name and Date
First Paragraph: Should have title of story, author's name, thesis statement, one sentence describing contents of each paragraph
Should have a grabber sentence which grabs your attention and makes you want to read the paper.
Each sentence in the first paragraph should have a subject, a verb, and expresses a complete thought.

Pass the rough draft to the next person on the left:
Second Pass:
Check for:
Each body paragraph has a mini-topic sentence
Each body paragraph has a quotation or a paraphrase of something that happened in the story
Each quotation has an explanation in the student's own words
Each sentence has a subject, a verb and expresses a complete thought
The final sentence should provide a transition to the next paragraph

Pass the rough draft to the next  person on the left:
Third Pass:
Check for:
The conclusion has one sentence for each of the body paragraphs summing up that paragraph
The student writers has concluded what the theme is, the techniques used by Liam Flaherty to show the theme and if he was successful.
Each sentence has a subject, a verb and expresses a complete thought.

Pass the paper back to the student.
Your job is now to take your paper home and write the final draft, which is due on Tuesday, September

Tuesday, September 10th:
Collect final draft of "The Bet"
Went over the answers to Vocabulary, Unit 1
Begin reading "By the Waters of Babylon"

Wednesday, September 11th
Read "By the Waters of Babylon"

Thursday, September 12:
Answer questions 1 through 6 at the end of "By the Waters of Babylon"on page 272.
Write a prequel to "By the Waters of Babylon"detailing the events leading up to the cataclysmic destruction of the "City of the Gods". You may write the story from the first person point of view of the man John finds "sitting looking out over the city" or the story in the form of the man's last journal entry.

Friday, September 13th:
Write a story modeled on "By the Waters of Babylon" in which a young person  from the future visits a post apocalyptic Los Angeles.  What would that young person from the future think parking meters might be? Or what purpose stop lights might have served before the apocalypse? Or the Highland/Hollywood Mall serve?

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