Saturday, May 31, 2014

Essay Topics for 10th Grade Finals

Essay Topics for For Whom the Bell Tolls:

Choose one topic and write a minimum of a three page essay using 1.5 spacing and 12 font. You should use quotations and evidence from the text to support your thesis.

1. What is the novel's message about romantic love in the context of war? Can they co-exist?

2. What commentary is the novel making about death and its various forms? Is there such a thing as a good death?

3. According to the novel, how should power be shared among the citizens of a country? What form of government is fair?

4. What does For Whom the Bell Tolls say about man and his relation with the natural world or nature?

5. Analyze the character of Robert Jordan. Does he develop throughout the course of the novel? If so, is this development positive or negative?

6. Analyze and evaluate the character of Pablo. How do other characters react to him? Is there more to him than meets the eye? Why does he behave the way he does? By the novel's end, is Pablo a hero, a villain, or something in between? Give textual evidence to support your argument.

7. Analyze, compare and contrast the two characters of Pilar and Maria.  Hemingway has been accused by many critics of endorsing a gender hierarchy by portraying female characters as weak and submissive. Does this novel fit this pattern? Analyze the two female characters and use them to evaluate Hemingway's portrayal of women in this novel.

8. Analyze and evaluate Gypsies', or more correctly, Romas' portrayal in the novel. How does Hemingway represent these people in the novel? What connections are made between Romas and superstition, to the supernatural, to Spain, to the Spanish Civil War? Analyze the character of Rafael. Is Rafael a positive or negative character, and are these attributes related to his status as a Roma?

9. Analyze Anselmo as a foil to Robert Jordan.

10. Does the novel suggest that our destinies have been predetermined, that we have free will, or some combination of these two ideas?

11. What commentary does the novel make about ethics in wartime?

12. What kind of commentary does the novel make about sexual trauma and recovery?

13. According to the novel, in the context of war, should an individual always follow orders, or should he, on occasion, make independent decisions, even if they are contrary to previously given orders?

Sunday, May 25, 2014

May 27, 2014 - May 30, 2014 Weekly Agenda for 10 B English

Tuesday, May 27th:
Read Catcher in the Rye
Vocabulary, Unit 7 will be due today

Wednesday, May 28th:
Shortened Day
Read Catcher in the Rye

Thursday, May 29th:
Assign essay topics
Review essay structure
In class work on "Tracing the Motif"

Friday, May 30th:
Work on essay
Essay will be due on Monday, June 2nd, the day of the final.

May 19, 2014 - May 23, 2014 Agenda for Tenth Grade English

Monday, May 19th:
Read Catcher in the Rye
Assign Vocabulary, Unit 7; this will be due on Tuesday, May 27th

Tuesday, May 20th:
Read Catcher in the Rye
Work on vocabulary

Wednesday, May 21st:
Read Catcher in the Rye
"Tracing the Motif": red hunting cap, cigarettes, "moron", ducks in Central Park
Work on vocabulary

Thursday, May 22nd:
Read Catcher in the Rye
Work on vocabulary

Friday, May 23rd:
Read Catcher in the Rye
Work on vocabulary

Monday, May 12, 2014

Catcher in the Rye: Tracing the Motif

Tracing a Motif:
The Red Hunting Hat

Page 45
Context: After the fight with Stradlater over Jane, Holden finds his hat, which is under the bed and puts it on for comfort. He turns the hat around the way he likes it – with the peak towards the back.
Notes:  Holden takes a look at himself in the mirror and sees his face covered in gore (blood) which he thinks makes him look tough.  But he puts the hat on because he has just had a violent confrontation with his roommate and has no one to turn to. The hat, somehow, comforts him and gives him the feeling of having an identify, perhaps that of a tough guy.

Page 61
Context: After Holden leaves Pencey for New York, he climbs into a cab and puts his red hunting cap on.
Notes: Although he has flunked out of Pencey, he has voluntarily and illegally left school early, without permission.  He doesn’t want to go home yet to face the family so he decides to check into a hotel. He is probably feeling homeless and insecure.

The Ducks (page 13; page 60; pages 81 – 83)
Morons (page 44 – 45, page 52, page 69, page 79)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 12, 2014 - May 16, 2014 Weekly Agenda for English 10B

Monday, May 12th:
Work on Vocabulary Workshop: Unit Six
Read The Catcher in the Rye
Discussion: juxtaposition of the "Sunny scene with the nuns"

Tuesday, May 13th:
Your Vocabulary Workshop: Unit Six is due today
Read Catcher in the Rye

Wednesday, May 14th:
Short quiz on Catcher in the Rye
Work on the "Trace the Motif"

Thursday, May 15th:
Read Catcher in the Rye
Vivant Tableau for Catcher in the Rye

Friday, May 16th:
Read Catcher in the Rye 

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014 - May 9, 2014 10 B English

Monday, May 5th:
Read Catcher in the Rye; pages 66 - 79
Unreliable narrator
1. When and where do you think Holden's perceptions are biased?
2. What type of people is Holden the most critical of?

Tuesday, May 6th:
Vocabulary Workshop; Unit 6 will be assigned; due Tuesday, May 13th
Read Catcher in the Rye
"Tracing the Motif":
Find references to the following words:
Write the phrase
Write the context in which the reference occurs.
What is the subtext of the scene?

Wednesday, May 7th:
Work on Vocabulary Workshop: Unit 6
Read Chapter 12

Thursday, May 8th:
Work on Vocabulary Workshop: Unit 6
Read Catcher in the Rye

Friday, May 9th:
Work on Vocabulary Workshop: Unit 6
Read Catcher in the Rye