Friday, February 28, 2014

March 3, 2014 - March 7, 2014 10th Grade English Agenda

Monday, March 3rd:
Work on note cards. Please turn in five note cards today. A total of fifteen note cards must be turned  in by today.
Please do NOT wait until Thursday to turn in all twenty-five cards.  You will not receive full credit if you do.

Tuesday, March 4th:
Shortened day today.
Work on note cards. Please turn in five note cards today. A total of twenty note cards must be turned in by today.

Wednesday, March 5th:
You were supposed to turn in five cards each day; if you have not turned in any cards, then it is too late. You may turn in only five to get credit for today.

Thursday, March 6th:
Work on  your rough draft. The rough draft will be due on Monday, March 10th.

Friday, March 7th:
Continue working on your rough draft.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014 10th Grade English Agenda

10th Grade English Class

February 24, 2014 - February 28, 2014

Monday, February 24th:
Continue working on your research paper

Tuesday, February 25th:
Must turn in your "letter of Intent" by today
Continue working on your research paper
You need to have finished five note cards by the end of class.
Each day in class your note cards will be checked for format and quantity.

Wednesday, February 26th:
Continue working on your research paper
You need to have finished five note cards by the end of class.
Each day in class your note cards will be checked for format and quantity.

Thursday, February 27th:
Continue working on your research paper
You need to have finished five note cards by the end of class. 
Each day in class your note cards will be checked for format and quantity.

Friday, February 28th:
Continue working on your research paper
You need to have finished five note cards by the end of class
Each day in class your note cards will be checked for format and quantity.
By Monday, March 2nd, you should have twenty-five note cards and will begin working on the rough draft of your paper. 
Your rough draft will be due on Monday, March 10th

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 17, 2014 - February 21, 2014 World Literature

Monday, February 17th:
No school today

Tuesday, February 18th:
Block schedule this week; no fourth

Wednesday, February 19th:
Watch HAMLET, Act 1, Scene 1
Handout on Iambic Pentameter

Thursday, February 20th:
Watch HAMLET, Act 1, Scene 2
Pass out open book test on HAMLET, Act 1

Friday, February 21st:
Watch HAMLET, Act 1, Scene 3

February 17, 2014 - February 21, 2014 English 10 B

Monday, February 17th:
No school today

Tuesday, February 18th:
In Room 506 today
Work on "Letter of Intent"
Conferences on research topics and letters of intent
Continue with research

Go over Participial Phrase handout

Wednesday, February 19th:
Block schedule today
No 2nd Period today

Thursday, February 20th:
Work on Letter of Intent
Work on bibliography cards
Start work on note cards
Continue research

Friday, February 21st:
In library
Continue research

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Reflective Questions on "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl

Reflective Questions on “Man’s Search for Meaning”: 
1. What are the major themes of the essay "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl?
2. Give two examples from NIGHT of exemplary (excellent, superior) behavior of prisoners in the camps, who have transcended their barbaric conditions. 
3. Give two examples from NIGHT of behavior in which the prisoners have given into their baser (lower) nature.
4. According to Viktor E. Frankl, in B. “The Power of Love”, what gave a prisoner a sense of humanity? If a prisoner lost this, what happened to the prisoner? Find an example in NIGHT where a prisoner was sustained by love. What happened to the prisoner when hope was lost?
5. According to Viktor E. Frankl, in C. “The Loss of Human Values”, what was the most important thing to the bureaucrats who ran the camps? What did this reduce the prisoners to? Give an example of how the bureaucrats saw sick prisoners and how this determined the bureaucrats’ treatment of those prisoners. 
6. In D. “The Importance of the Future in Suffering”, what was the most effective way of combating the camp’s psychopathological influence on the prisoners?
7. Describe the prisoner who has given up.
8. Explain what Nietzsche means when he says, “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost and how.” 
9. Explain what Frankl means in the final paragraph in D. “The Importance of the Future in Suffering”. What must we change about ourselves?  What is more important than talk and meditation? What does life ultimately mean? 

Barbaric: uncivilized, violent, destructive, going against accepted codes of civilized behavior. 

February 10, 2014 - February 14, 2014 Weekly Agenda for 10th Grade English B

Monday, February 10th:
Reflective questions over the essay "Man's Search for Meaning"

Reflective Questions on “Man’s Search for Meaning”: 
1. What are the major themes of the essay?
2. Give two examples from NIGHT of exemplary (excellent, superior) behavior of prisoners in the camps, who have transcended their barbaric conditions. 
3. Give two examples from NIGHT of behavior in which the prisoners have given into their baser (lower) nature.
4. According to Viktor E. Frankl, in B. “The Power of Love”, what gave a prisoner a sense of humanity? If a prisoner lost this, what happened to the prisoner? Find an example in NIGHT where a prisoner was sustained by love. What happened to the prisoner when hope was lost?
5. According to Viktor E. Frankl, in C. “The Loss of Human Values”, what was the most important thing to the bureaucrats who ran the camps? What did this reduce the prisoners to? Give an example of how the bureaucrats saw sick prisoners and how this determined the bureaucrats’ treatment of those prisoners. 
6. In D. “The Importance of the Future in Suffering”, what was the most effective way of combating the camp’s psychopathological influence on the prisoners?
7. Describe the prisoner who has given up.
8. Explain what Nietzsche means when he says, “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost and how.” 
9. Explain what Frankl means in the final paragraph in D. “The Importance of the Future in Suffering”. What must we change about ourselves?  What is more important than talk and meditation? What does life ultimately mean? 

Barbaric: uncivilized, violent, destructive, going against excepted codes of civilized behavior. 
Grammar Handout on Participial Phrases; due Thursday, February 13th.

Tuesday, February 11th:
Library: begin research for paper on the Holocaust

Wednesday, February 12th:
Library: continue research for paper on the Holocaust
Conferences with individual students on research topics
Hand out "Letter of Intent"; this will be due on Friday. It must be typed. Please follow format of letter.

Thursday, February 13th:
Library: Conferences with individual students on research topics continued.
Review format of "Letter of Intent"
Grammar Handout is due today; participial phrases; exercises 3, 4, 5 and Review D.

Friday, February 14th:
Library: Handout on "Letter of Intent" is due today.
Begin research; review note cards and bibliography cards.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Unit Four Vocabulary from Vocabulary Workshop

Vocabulary Unit 4
1. annul (v.) to reduce to nothing; to make ineffective or inoperative; to declare legally invalid or void. 
For extra credit, write the sentence.
Completing the Sentence: (pages 54 – 55)
Just write the sentences, 1 – 20
1. Qualms (for extra credit, you may write the full sentences.)
Synonyms: (page 55)
Write the phrase, underline the boldfaced word and the correct vocabulary word which means the same as the boldfaced word.
1. named on the regiment’s roster: muster
Antonyms: (page 55)
Write the phrase, underline the boldfaced word and the correct vocabulary word, which means the opposite as the boldfaced word. 
16. arrived wearing a gaudy outfit: staid

Choosing the Right Word: (page 56)
You just have to write the word, not the entire sentence, but if you want extra credit, you may write the sentence. 
1. Sustain 
Vocabulary in Context: (page 57)
Read the two paragraphs on cycling and then answer the questions 1 through 6.  Be sure to write out the phrase and then the letter and the answer. 

1. The meaning of obsessed is: A. preoccupied

Monday, February 3, 2014

Reflective Questions on the Essay "Scapegoats"

Reflective Questions on the Essay “Scapegoats”

 Think about a time when you felt singled out and excluded or treated differently because you were perceived as different from everyone else. Write about that experience. How did that make you feel? 

1. What does the term “scapegoat” mean?

2. Where did the term “scapegoat” originate?

3. What is projection?

4. What are “inclusive social groups”?

5. What minority groups are most often used as “all-duty scapegoats”?

6. What is the point of the story of the pig and the farmer?

7. In the author’s anecdote (a short story, usually humorous, which makes a point) what realization did he make?

Diaspora: the forced dispersal of people from their ancestral homeland. Examples of peoples who have suffered diaspora: Africans, Jewish people, Native Americans, Chinese, etc. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 3, 2014 - February 7, 2014 Agenda for English 10B

Monday, February 3rd:

Vocabulary Unit 4: "Completing the Sentence"
Finish reading the essay "The Scapegoat"
Reflective Questions

Tuesday, February 4th:

Vocabulary Unit 4: "Synonyms"
Grammar: Sentences with Introductory Clauses
Read the essay "The Will to Live"
Reflective Questions

Wednesday, February 5th:

No 2nd Period

Thursday, February 6th: 

Vocabulary Unit  4: "Antonyms"
Write five sentences with introductory clauses using your Unit 4 vocabulary words
Read the essay "The Will to Live"
Diacritical journal on the essay 

Friday, February 7th: 

Unit Four Vocabulary is due today.
Read the essay "Propaganda"
Diacritical journal on the essay
Assign Participial Phrases from HOLT HANDBOOK; exercises 3, 4 and Review B for homework. This will be due on Tuesday, February 11th.